Subsidies for education and companies and universities
100% subsidies for schools

Thanks to European Funds, primary schools, general high schools, vocational schools and technology can obtain up to 100% subsidies for Documaster Campus software and devices integrated with it, such as computers, tablets, laptops, interactive monitors, projectors, visualizers, multifunctional devices . The software introduces ICT and modern teaching methods to traditional education.
Our specialists help in formal matters and actively advise. Thanks to EU subsidies, we have helped improve the quality of teaching in almost 100 schools throughout the country.

100% subsidies for universities

Thanks to European Funds and programs from the National Center for Research and Development, universities can obtain 100% funding for the implementation of Documaster Campus software and devices integrated with it, such as laptops, tablets, interactive monitors, projectors, visualizers, multifunctional devices. The software is introduced by ICT and modern teaching methods for traditional education.
Our specialists help in formal matters and actively advise. Thanks to EU subsidies, many public and private universities use our modern solutions.
80% subsidies for

As part of the subsidy from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development micro, small and medium-sized companies can obtain up to 80% co-financing for a Development Service, which increases the company's competitiveness on the market. We are a company registered in the National Training Fund and in the Development Services Database of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and we have a Development Service targeted at companies employing from 1 to 250 employees who want to develop their competitiveness. The training takes place online, and its participants receive confirmation of completion in the form of a Certificate.