Software for school for remote and hybrid lessons

For primary, secondary, vocational and technical schools
Documaster Campus is a cloud-based IT environment that supports modern education. It allows you to collect and distribute educational and scientific materials, such as: digital textbooks, digitized books, e-books, digital resources of universities, own materials of teachers and students, films. Stored materials can be shared and used by users 24 hours a day, in any place with access to the Internet.
Documaster Campus enables communication between users: students, teachers, parents, scientists and entrepreneurs. Enables cooperation between the teaching staff and scientists locally and throughout Poland, involving the exchange of scenarios for lessons, experience and building a knowledge base and managing it. The software is integrated with the Microsoft Office 365 Edu Suite.
The Documaster Campus repository contains digital scientific resources of the best Polish universities, libraries and scientific institutes (several hundred thousand verified entries) as well as e-textbooks of the Ministry of National Education and materials in accordance with the core curriculum.
The software integrates accumulated knowledge with commonly used in communication technologies and devices: computers, monitors and interactive boards, smartphones, tablets, language labs, digital laboratories, projectors and high-class equipment enabling cheap printing, scanning, copying and OCR in a self-service printing point on school grounds. Special device software ensures significant savings and no failure of the school printout system.
Documaster Campus works on the basis of modern teaching methods, such as inverted class or gamification, and allows teachers to easily enter them during lessons.
Documaster software has the PN-EN ISO / IEC 27001: 2017-06 Certificate - confirming that the produced software, processes, services and procedures meet the global standards of Information Security Management.
Key Features:
- integration with devices and new technologies
- improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching with less work
- learning opportunities for sick, disabled and those with special needs
- printout of lesson materials and OCR and transfer to the cloud
- safe access, 24h / 7, to proven knowledge of the highest quality
100% subsidy
from EU Funds

Documaster Campus as well as devices and solutions integrated with it can be co-financed 100% from the European Union and the Ministry of National Education.