Documaster Campus Junior - software for kindergartens

For kindergartens

Documaster Campus Junior is a cloud system that allows the collection of teaching materials as well as their playback and management using devices connected to the Internet. The accumulated knowledge is safe for preschoolers and protected against unauthorized persons, which is decided by the authorization of users. Thanks to this, only registered users have access to the cloud, and only the indicated persons (usually educators) can publish.
The devices included in the system, including printers, interactive boards and projectors, allow preschoolers to be educated using the latest educational methods. Research indicates that modern pre-school education requires the involvement of not only educators, teachers, but also family members of preschoolers in the child's development. Documaster Campus Junior uses the latest communication technologies and tools to engage both parents and other family members in the child's education process. It contains a built-in messenger and Skype module, enabling communication within the system (e.g. in the tutor-parent relationship).
Main functions of Documaster Campus Junior:
- searching for information using the semantic search engine integrated with the system,
- placing any files (e.g. scanned drawings, photos, recordings made with a mobile phone) on children's accounts by themselves, by their tutors or family members who have access to the account,
- easy and secure placement, storage and free access to various types of educational materials (including multimedia files, photos, drawings, scans, text files),
- use of touch screens integrated in the system,
- printing, copying and scanning with multi-functional devices integrated into the system,
- using brand multimedia projectors during creative and physical activities,
- communication within the system using the built-in messenger and Skype.
Benefits for kindergarten:
- increasing the kindergarten's competitiveness and improving the quality of education by introducing the latest communication technologies and modern educational methods (e.g. inverted class / group) to the offer,
- reducing the costs of purchasing and distributing teaching materials for a single preschooler by making materials available to all users in digital form,
- deepening parents' trust in the institution thanks to transparent kindergarten policy (including parents in the cloud system and providing access to used content and materials),
- using the system to contact parents, for example to send organizational information - regarding interviews, trips, events, additional activities and individual issues related to the child,
- networking of many kindergartens in order to exchange knowledge, experience and educational materials between educators from various kindergarten departments or kindergarten networks,
- the possibility of obtaining EU funding for the Documaster Campus Junior solution and devices connected to it up to 100%, in a simplified procedure.
100% subsidy
from EU Funds

Documaster Campus as well as devices and solutions integrated with it can be co-financed 100% from the European Union and the Ministry of National Education.